Sunday, March 13, 2011

loved with a love that was more than love

Her first more than friend was a dancer. Passionate artist. Life in HipHop lifestyle. He was the street. Definitely not the hood, but a great hearted person. She learned to be him. We encounter each special soul for a reason. And her reason for him was to learn about firsts. first date, first romantic gestures, firsts butterflies, first fights, firsts tries and failures. We danced. He is dance and so we danced. We loved. First love.


a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
sexual passion or desire.

Her next encounter with someone who was meant to teach her something was just that. A teacher. A figure of authority. She became a woman. Learned about a man. Learned about hard work and respect. Learned about give and take. Learned about admiration and about her value. She was worth all the gold and diamonds and no treasure was a measure to her in his eyes. She was his treasure. They traveled and explored and learned so much about growing up and staying young. At the end of the day, he'd lock his treasure up for safe keeping and adored her again when his eyes opened each day. He loved her. and she loved him.

a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
(used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?
a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour.
sexual intercourse; copulation.

Then came her growth. When she learned about herself. Through the hands and help of someone special. She became herself. Learned about herself and who she was, what she likes, what she wants... what she looks like... what she feels like... he made her realize all that she was... is..... A friend in love. He taught her to "Live" and keep living they did. They love each other.

affectionate concern for the well-being of others: the love of one's neighbor.

Her next was weakness. She learned Awareness. How to rebuild herself. Reinforce the strength she lost. Lies and dark storms... Pass they did. those storms passed. She broke herself down... and was reduced to nothing. Her treasure and worth was of no value here and she forgot that her value is within herself. But what she learned within herself was more valuable than the dark storm thought she could destroy. She learned just how deep she can love someone. She took loving to a depth that managed to loose her sanity. her control. She was patient. and she understood. and she believed. and she had faith stronger than ever. It made her stronger when the strength of the storm dissipated into thin air and nothing was left but the strength it left behind. She loved......... this lesson.

With all that she had learned about herself. Value, weakness, Living, trials and tribulations, Overcoming miraculous dark storms that left her withered and weak only to rebuild and be more beautiful then before... She learned of friendships, she learned of satisfying others... she learned of satisfying herself...

I.... waited for the one that made sense. How to combine all that I had learned into a beautiful God... unworthy of any OTHER being BUT for herself? That person existed. Within a friend. And as the storm left and the wind had changed its pattern, the sky was left with the most beautiful colors the sky had never seen before. And the wind changed passed these friends. Turning these friends into a love that was more beautiful than Love itself had ever seen.
It finally made sense. Why it all happened. Why every lesson before this even manifested itself in her life. It was to make THIS moment make the most sense, sense itself could make.
She was built by my consciousness. The skies changed their patterns for us.
To live, heart to heart. every being encountered by these two learned of love. those who didnt understand what our world is, was now delighted with joy to learn what chemistry.


[kem-uh-stree] Show IPA
–noun, plural -tries.

chemical properties, reactions, phenomena, etc.: the chemistry of carbon.
the interaction of one personality with another: The chemistry between him and his boss was all wrong.
sympathetic understanding; rapport: the astonishing chemistry between the actors.
any or all of the elements that make up something: the chemistry of love.

She found a friend, comfort, Love, change, otherworldliness, Strength again. She found that being silly and being ugly and being nothing was all still valuable. She found that being insecure and moody would be met with a hug and a kiss...

(I never got to finish this one..... and I probably never will... Never know the end to our beautiful fairytail story.)